In early March, I traveled to Chicago, Illinois. My sweet friend Melissa, and her family welcomed me into their home and showed me around the city. Melissa and I have been internet friends since we were pregnant with our oldest daughters. Despite our 8 years of 'friendship,' this was our first time meeting and from the moment I arrived, I was treated like family. I was treated to deep dish pizza and craft beer, amazing homemade vegetarian meals, hot coffee on snowy mornings and brisk afternoon snowy walks, Chicago style hot dogs and smooshy baby cuddles! Obviously, I needed to return their over the top hospitality with pictures of their sweet family!
Thank you, Melissa and Tony for the home away from home!
Foot tall snowman I made so I could send pics of it home to my kids!
And an Instagram I took of Melissa while there. I was seriously blown away by this woman. I am truly inspired by this woman and so grateful to call her my friend.
I need to up my mom game. Melissa wins all the mothering awards. Seriously amazed at how awesome she is!
A photo posted by @littlelamom on Mar 3, 2016 at 1:47pm PST
Sweet Santa Monica Family- LA Breastfeeding Photography
Something about this beautiful mom just brightens my day. She looks like a fairy. A nursing in the park fairy. Yeah those are real! Nursing in the park fairies! Her sweet little baby nursing and then lovingly looking up at his mama. You can just see the love she has for him with that look of mommy bliss on her face. Thank you SuAnn for sharing a bit of your family with me.
Christina Hultquist