My family had a big week! On the 27th my daughter celebrated her 8th birthday. We had a little family celebration with the most delicious cake from Portos, and took her to the CA Science Center for the afternoon. Today though, is when her big celebrations starts. Grandma flew in late last night and this morning, all 3 of my kids headed to CAMP GRANDMAS! They will spend then next week camping in the Redwoods!
Since I am going to miss them all so much, and because I hadn't done birthday pictures for Luke or Lex yet (bad photographer mommy) I found time one morning, bribed them all with leftover birthday cake for breakfast, and took these pictures! I am so in love with how they came out.
While I am going to miss them like crazy, I am so excited for their adventure and plan on enjoying the clean quiet house with my husband while they are gone. This week is going to fly by and it will quickly be back to the summer madness.
Sweet Santa Monica Family- LA Breastfeeding Photography
Something about this beautiful mom just brightens my day. She looks like a fairy. A nursing in the park fairy. Yeah those are real! Nursing in the park fairies! Her sweet little baby nursing and then lovingly looking up at his mama. You can just see the love she has for him with that look of mommy bliss on her face. Thank you SuAnn for sharing a bit of your family with me.
Christina Hultquist
Week 2.
Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kara lived it up in the sunshine last night! While the boys dug in the sand Kara danced her heart out while yelling "the tide is coming in" at each wave. I feel so blessed to live in Los Angeles where a Friday in January looks like this...
Christina Hultquist
Christina is a Los Angeles mom of 3 and photographer who's 2014 New Years resolution is to take her babies to the beach on Friday nights! Be sure to share and follow her weekly beach adventures!