Monthly archives:January 2014

  • Live In The Sunshine- Los Angeles Child Photographer

  • Week 2. Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Kara lived it up in the sunshine last night! While the boys dug in the sand Kara danced her heart out while yelling "the tide is coming in" at each wave. I feel so blessed to live in Los Angeles where a Friday in January looks like this...     xoxo Christina Hultquist Christina is a Los Angeles mom of 3 and photographer who's 2014 New Years resolution is to take her babies to the beach on Friday nights! Be sure to share and follow her weekly beach adventures!
  • I Resolve To.... Los Angeles Beach photography

  • I resolve to kiss my babies on the beach more. Living just a short drive from the Pacific Ocean I am just not there enough. It is nice enough year round that there is no reason that we can't make it a few times a month instead of once every few months. So in 2014 I will take my kids to the beach. Often. Also while doing my favorite photos of 2013 it was very obvious that I photograph my daughter far more than I do my sons. Part of the reason is my daughter is willing to model. She enjoys dressing up. She has so many fun cute clothes that I want to play dress up with her! My boys are less interested in photoshoots. Now because I don't want to force them to take photos I will learn to photograph them just the way they are. Letting go of MY vision for them. Don't get me wrong I am sure I will take advantage of any oppertunity to photograph Kara, cause ummm, tutus. I will just make time for the boys more as well! Yesterday I did worked on both of these. We headed to the beach for the evening and plan on making Fridays "Beach Night!" Do you Instagram? Follow me @littlelaphoto to follow my families beach resolution! xoxo  
  • Santa Monica At Sunset - Los Angeles Family Photography

  •   What better way to say good-bye to L.A. than with a Santa Monica family photo shoot at sunset? That is exactly what this sweet family did. Just days before moving across the country they met up with me for some beach time! My favorite part of this family shoot was when little Z let me wear him on my back in his Ergo Baby for a few shots of his mama and daddy! That's my tick for not letting babies eat sand! Thank you guys for spending this precious time with me and I wish you many blessings as you start your new life in your new home ♥ xoxo Christina Hultquist